Day 10- Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th everyone! Mike and Mia here taking the reins for a one day guest blog appearance as Kevin is making his way down to Boston for the conclusion of our first Cape and the Islands trip… Can you believe that one trip is already almost done?

It was a busy day for all of our groups, with everyone moving forward in their trips on top of celebrating the birth of our great country in their own creative ways.

Although we harp them daily for photos, sometimes our groups are just having too much fun to deal with technology. Take CSA for example. Today is going to be one of their most memorable days as they are spending it on the water snorkeling, exploring mangroves, and creating their own fireworks as they swim in the world famous Bioluminescent Bay.

Lucas and Anna’s group also neglected to send us a photo, but their group enjoyed a challenging and beautiful ride this morning. We did speak to Anna today who said that they send their love from the “heart” of the Redwoods.

DEX1: These fearless hikers started the 4th off right, catching the first sunrise in America on top of Cadillac Mountain. They enjoyed an afternoon exploring Bar Harbor, and are looking forward to catching some fireworks this evening.

ACC: It seems like a common theme, but the ACC group once again crushed their mileage getting into their accommodations by 1pm, and had popsicles upon arrival. They are enjoying their last night in Alabama and are excited to check off another state tomorrow!

TSA: After a restful day off, the group was back on their bikes today. Here’s a shot of their beautiful riding terrain! The group worked through some flat tire issues today, and powered into camp in great time. The are looking forward to a short day tomorrow and then spending the next few nights in a Tuscan Villa. Below is another group shot from earlier today on the shores of Lago Trasimeno.

CI1: As mentioned above, this 4th of July is this group’s final full day together, which they spent exploring the best Boston has to offer (see photo below). Tonight they will indulge in a fantastic final dinner then hope to catch some fireworks in the historic city.

CQA: Pat sent us in this picture today of their group. I’m pretty impressed with the body writing of the groups… Yes, that says 4th of July! The group split into three pods during their riding today, so aptly named, team America, team France, and Team England, and in a throwback to 1776, have been competing in various challenges all day to see who will win the United States.   The group had a nice swim today, and they are all looking forward to seeing some fireworks tonight!

CQB: Hannah called and said that the group cruised into camp for lunch. After a relaxing afternoon, the group and their festive faces will spend tonight indoors.

VM: Our Vermont to Montreal group took a day off the bikes today and traded their pedals for paddles. They had a great time kayaking on Lake Champlain, and are excited to be spending their last night in the USA. Tomorrow is the big boarder crossing!

VH:   The Vermont Hikers came out of the woods last night, and enjoyed a restful morning and big breakfast today.   They celebrated the 4th with ice cream this afternoon!

PCA: All is well with Andy and Danika’s group.   They sent us this picture this morning of their group riding imaginary 4th of July motorcycles.   Andy told us they saw a bunch of wild Elk today in their cruising through Northern California.   They are looking forward to spending a day off their bikes tomorrow and doing some community service!

MSA: David sent us this picture earlier in the day, and their group is pedaling on through the front rings of the Rockies today!

That’s all for today! Chad will be back tomorrow, so look forward to the familiar scribe.