Day 26: Apogee Loves Generation Z!

Welcome to Day 26 of the Apogee summer blog! In honor of our largely-Generation Z summer staff (and students!), today’s blog is written in true Gen Z fashion. Get ready for some fire updates from our trips in the field. No cap. Be sure to check out our Instagram for more! Skip to a Specific… Read more »

Day 25: Ice Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Apogee!

It may very well be the best day of the year: it’s National Ice Cream Day! We hope at least some of these trips celebrate our favorite holiday with some delicious frozen treats today. Our stomachs are rumbling just writing this blog… so what better way to celebrate than to ponder which flavor best suits… Read more »

Day 24: Moving Right Along

It’s another day in the Apogee world! Trips start, trips end, and some trips keep chugging along. Hiking, biking, kayaking, service, swimming – you name it! What can’t these adventurers do? Read on to find out what each trip got up to today! Be sure to check out our Instagram for more! Skip to a… Read more »

Day 23: Apogee Limericks for You!

Oh, how we miss our lovely Apogee leaders! Out in the world, hiking and biking meters and meters. We love hearing what they do, And passing it on to you! Shout outs and kudos to all of our friends and family readers! Be sure to check out our Instagram for more! Skip to a Specific… Read more »