Day 19: You Say Goodbye, and I Say Hello

So many trips are beginning, and yet with so many trips coming to an end, these are bittersweet times in the Apogee office! We love seeing all the fresh faces on the blog as new trips start entering the field. At the same time, we’re savoring our last glimpses at those that are in their… Read more »

Day 18: Hey Team!

Day 18: And Apogee Wins Again! Bonjour Apogee lovers! Today is Bastille Day, as some of you may already know, but it is also the final of the Copa America and Euro Championship soccer tournaments! Not to mention, the Wimbledon 2024 final is also today. With the Olympics coming up at the end of this… Read more »

Day 17: Gossip Girl, Apogee Edition!

Hi Upper East Brunswickers! Gossip Girl here, your one and only source for the latest from the Apogee sphere. I’ll be reporting live on the hikes and bikes that our campers accomplished, and rumor has it, today was an especially thrilling one. Oh, and of course, I collected photo proof aplenty, so enjoy… And who… Read more »

Day 16: We CEREAL-sly Are Excited About These Trips!

What’s better than starting your day with a cup of coffee and a hearty breakfast? For us in the office, it’s hearing what everyone on trips gets up to! Their pictures fill us full of joy, more than a bowl of breakfast cereal ever could. Be sure to check out our Instagram for more! Skip… Read more »