Day 25 – Part 2 – Lots of Sunset/Sunrise Shots

All the way over on the shores of Puget Sound, Mike and Annie’s Northwest Explorers enjoyed a great first night together (replete with an epic game of “Giants, Wizards & Elves” (how come these groups all play games I’ve never heard of?)) and shoved off today for Olympic National Park.

Day 25 – Part 1 – Lots of Sunset/Sunrise Shots

This is likely to be another Two-Part Tuesday, as we have a lot of pictures from across the country to fit in to today’s blog – a surprising number of which involve either the sunrise or the sunset.

Day 24 – Not So Quiet

How about a virtual round of applause for our celebrity guest blogger? None other than Kevin Cashman was steering you around the wide world of Apogee yesterday — and if you ask me, he did a terrific job. So much so that I think we should see more of him in the blog — don’t you agree? I think everyone should email Kevin and demand that he write more often. Much more often…

Day 23 – The Quiet

As the father of a 3 and 1 year old, there’s not a lot of quiet or down time at our house right now. Diapers need to be changed, books need to be read, baths need to be drawn, hungry boys need to be fed… It’s busy to say the least. And when I get to the office these days, the pace typically doesn’t slacken. Trips starting, trips ending, correspondence with parents and leaders, paperwork to be copied and completed…you get the picture. So when I have a day like today, where the phone barely rings and email just trickles in…I’m not going to lie…it’s pretty nice.