And Our Leader Wins!

I know many of you were unable to sleep over the weekend — and not just due to the sugar rush you were on after the sacks full of Halloween candy — but because you were so eager to learn which leader’s photo took the top spot in the Leader category of our photo contest. Well, friends, you’ll sleep well tonight, because this is the moment — allow me to introduce you to the very best leader photos we received this season.

Photo Contest Winners!

Fame! Glory! Lucre (although not filthy lucre…)! A zen-like state of well-being and oneness with the world!

All of these are deserved by the winners of our first annual photo contest. [I hope you careful readers out there note the deliberate use of the word “deserved,” because while the lucre may be deserved, it cannot be provided at this point — however, we can provide some fantastic Apogee gear — and isn’t that better than money, anyway?]


Come On, You Would-Be National Geo Photographers!

It’s been a week since we started our photo contest, and while you wouldn’t know it from Facebook, we’ve received some fantastic shots! There is still more than week to go before this year’s contest comes to a close – so please, please, please submit your photos now! You can submit through Facebook, over email to, or the old-fashioned way, through the mail to Apogee Adventures, PO Box 505, Brunswick, ME 04011.


Your Chance for Fame and General Awesomeness!

Announcing the First Annual Apogee Outstanding Photo Contest! We’re looking for the best of 2010 – so dust off the ol’digital cameras and throw those disposable prints into an envelope and send them in. You can submit pictures in three ways: upload pictures to Facebook, email them to, or snail mail them to us at PO Box 505, Brunswick, ME 04011.