Day 27 – Fun in the Broiler!

Holy Toledo, Dear Reader — it is a bruiser out there on the East Coast today!   Ninety-five fun-filled degrees in Portland, Maine, per the fine folks at

Day 26 – Did you know?

Hello faithful blog readers, Mia and Kevin, your guest bloggers are here for the evening.   As we’re not the creative   writers in this operation, we thought it would be best to stick to the facts and give you a history lesson as to what has happened on July 20th in years past.

Day 25 – Roll Me Away!

The title of the blog today refers to a Bob Seger song (rather late middle-period in his  oeuvre, but still a classic) that just speaks to so much about our

Day 24 – Marvelous Monday


Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s been a great day in the Apogee world, and I, Mia, your guest blogger of the evening am holding down the fort while Chad heads down to Boston to help wrap up the Cape trip, and Kevin takes a well deserved afternoon off.   In the field we have several trips in their beginning days, and everything is running smoothly.   Enough with the preamble, here comes the news!