Day 39 – The Countdown Continues…

Hello Hello. Today I write to you from a very thunderstormy Brunswick, Maine.   These blog entries just keep getting shorter and shorter as the summer draws to a close.   Kevin returned from Boston this afternoon with Julie and Peter who wrapped up their final Cape and the Islands trip this morning.  TSA and CSA have final dinners tonight, and tomorrow the ACCers will reach the Pacific!  I believe we have an image/images from all but one group today.  And here they are!

Day 38 – August? Already?

Good evening readers, it’s August, I can’t believe it! It’s been a great day in Brunswick and a great day in the field.   We have a bunch of updates for you as a few more trips wind down, tomorrow we’ll have just six trips still adventuring.   Here we go:

Day 37 – And then there were Seven…

Dear Faithful Blog Readers,

This is going to be a fairly abbreviated entry, largely in part because our own Assistant Director, Mike Lessard, is being celebrated for his 24th birthday with a surprise party.  And it starts in minutes!  Should be fun!
