Day 32: No Sunday Scaries Here!

As the weekend comes to a close, we know it can be tough to return to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, we hope that your daily dose of the Apo-blog helps you conquer your Sunday scaries and get excited for all that lies ahead this week. Take a look at all of the amazing adventures our trips have been up to and let your weekday worries fade away!


Cape Cod & the Islands (CI)

Say hello to some new smiling faces! Today we were lucky enough to welcome our CI3 crew to Apo-fam! After a few ice-breakers, this team cruised over to camp, where they enjoyed their first meal together and got ready for all the excitement that lies ahead.

New England Mountains & Coast (NEMC)

Looks like these guys are workin’ hard! Today our NEMC squad spent some time at Wolfe’s Neck State Woods digging for clams and completing some trail work. Tomorrow, they’re off sea kayaking before celebrating all of their hard work with a final dinner! Great job team!

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains A (CRMA)

CRMA spent their final day today giving back to their community and doing some positively incredible river and trail cleanup work right outside Stanley Lake Campground – where they’ve called home the past two nights! Afterwards they headed out to explore Boulder and share a delicious final dinner. Wahooo!

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains B (CRMB)

Does anyone smell pancakes?? They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day… so it looks like CRMB started today off right with this delicious homemade treat! After fueling up, they got stoked to spend their day doing some community service close to home. They did an amazing job helping out with a river and trail cleanup outside Stanley Lake Campground! They then celebrated their amazing trip with a delicious final dinner out in Boulder.

Maine Coast College Essay (MCCE)

Say it ain’t so! After a week of some serious essay writing (and some less serious fun in the sun) MCCE has finished up. Catch ya on the flipside, everyone!

Maine Coast Photo (MCP)

We’ve got some early risers here! MCP woke up BEFORE the crack of dawn to walk down to the harbor to get some sunrise shots. They then caught up on some napogees, before diving into editing and selecting their final four pictures for the photo show tomorrow. To top it all off, they snapped some sunset and long exposure night photos. Amazing work!

Costa Rica Language & Service (CRLS)

Put your hands in the air if you love Costa Rica! Our CRLS team had an awesome final day today, filled with beautiful skies, lush greenery, abundant wildlife, and ZIPLINING! After zipping around for the afternoon, they made their way over to Alajuela, where they celebrated their amazing accomplishments with a final dinner. Delicioso!

Northwest Explorer (NWXA)

Did someone say… rafting?! After emerging victorious from the backcountry yesterday, our NWXA crew tossed off their backpacks and hopped onto the Sauk River for a skillful whitewater rafting session. Tomorrow, they’ll get some well deserved rest and relaxation before heading into the North Cascades!

Northwest Explorer (NWXB)

The fun never stops on NWXB! After emerging from the backcountry this morning, this all-star crew has landed in Bellingham, where they’ll rest and resupply before… drum roll please… sea kayaking tomorrow!

Pacific Coast (PCA)

Surf’s up for PCA! This crew traded in their bikes today for an equally exciting form of transportation… surfboards! They rode some gnarly waves and had tons of fun along the way. Hang loose!

Pacific Coast (PCB)

Another exciting day of riding for PCB! Today they cruised a solid 30 miles over to Crescent City (CALIFORNIA!), where tomorrow they will hop off their bikes and onto some surfboards.

Alps Explorer (AX)

“Who are we: Apogee! What are we hiking: the TMB!” It was a rainy first day hiking the TMB for our Alps-ers, but they didn’t let that dampen their spirits! Lookin’ good guys!

Europe Coast to Coast 2 (ECC2)

Hard to believe that after riding across an entire continent, ECC2 has officially come to a close! See ya soon, or Arrivederci!

America Coast to Coast (ACC)

What a time to be alive! ACC has officially cruised through 7 of their 9 states! With California only one week away, the Pacific is so close we can almost taste it! Amazing work squad!