Day 21 – Smiles (and Backsides)

Wide World of Apogee, Greetings!  Chad here.  I know – two nights in a row.  Sorry about that.  Sam should be back tomorrow….  In any case, I think that the title of this afternoon’s ouevre about says it – if there is a theme today, it’s the bright smiles you’ll see along with several shots of what our bike groups look like from behind.  Let’s see, shall we?

CI: Our Capers left the cable-knit sweaters of Nantucket and traded them for the kitsch shops of the Cape proper.  As I type, they are sitting out the tail end of a thunderstorm and preparing dinner under their campground’s shelter.  The good news is that they have a gorgeous forecast for the rest of their trip with cooler temps and significantly decreased humidity.  The picture demonstrates not only today’s theme, but also their flawless group-left-hand-turn technique.  Well done, Drew and Shannon.  Well done.

VM: It’s a new trip out there in Vermont – Julie and Pat’s newly assembled dynamos are happily ensconced in southern Vermont and looking forward to setting out tomorrow.  Here’s a candid of the group during their last van ride for two weeks on their way over the hills to the Green Mountain State.

DEX: One of my favorite blog shots is the “Awkward Name Games” shot – a perennial favoriate, I’m sure, for all of our long-time blog readers.  Here’s a perfect example of the genre at today’s Downeast Explorer trip start.  CC and Jack just checked a few minutes ago from their seaside hideaway in Camden.  It’s a short day hike tomorrow and then on to several days of gorgeous sea-kayaking.

CSA: The awkward name games are but a happy memory for our CSA-ers.  Maddie and Mason’s crew are exploring the cobblestoned streets of old San Juan as I write and about to enjoy their last dinner together before flights tomorrow.  Tonight, though, it’s teary goodbyes and good mofongo!


PCA: Here’s a last couple of late arriving shots from McKayla and Micah’s PC group who are all on their way home across the country tonight.  I include the first not for its timeliness, but because it fits in with today’s theme.

PCB: And here’s a late arriving picture of Hannah and Shem’s group sometime during a long last night at the hostel in SF.  Below that is an airport shot of both PC groups taking over a good portion of the United terminal at SFO early this morning.

MSA: Another amazing set of individuals bid each other a fond Montanan farewell this morning.  Addie and Josh sent in this shot of their crew all gussied up before their big dinner out last night.

TSA: Our Tuscans just checked in with some shots of their Roman explorations over the last day.  Laura writes that they had an amazing day in the Eternal City – their day included the Colliseum, the Pantheon, Vatican, shopping, gelato (of course), final dinner with some delicious pasta, then an amazing dessert experience at a separate restaurant.  And she even added that they had time for some reflection…  It’s been a great trip and, almost unbelievably, tomorrow means a last “ciao” and a long flight.


ACC1: Our westward-most group of ACCers enjoyed super smooth sailing into Throckmorton, TX today.  Here are a couple of shots of the ACC post-ride nap – a riding day staple!

ACC2: And bringing up the rear (pun mostly intended) of our backside theme is our ACC1 crew riding into tomorrow’s eagerly anticipated rest day.  They had a decent headwind blowing today – but that’s just going to mean they appreciate the rest day more, right?