Day 27 – The Rewards to Training – Part 1

On June 15, our 23 leaders and support staff arrived in Brunswick for 10 days of leader training. It’s one of my favorite parts of our season…but also one of the most exhausting.

Day 26 – No News is Good News

Pete and Jess’ group of Coast to Quebecers were helping out at the Coastal Mountain Land Trust today — picking up where Corley and Andy’s group left off yesterday. They spent their “off” day hiking up a mountain, hauling signage. This is all part of a strategy to make tomorrow’s hills seem smaller — social engineering at its finest! Pete did send me a lovely shot from the summit, too.

Day 25 – Part 2 – Lots of Sunset/Sunrise Shots

All the way over on the shores of Puget Sound, Mike and Annie’s Northwest Explorers enjoyed a great first night together (replete with an epic game of “Giants, Wizards & Elves” (how come these groups all play games I’ve never heard of?)) and shoved off today for Olympic National Park.